Sunday, October 28, 2007

Worst Halloween EVER!

There was a time you could count on two things in October, AMC's Month Long Monsterfest and CBS showing It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. There's still three days left in October, so there's time for CBS to show the annual Peanuts Ode to All Hallows Eve, but AMC has disappointed me immensely.

One month a year, that's all horror fans ask. One month a year to turn on the TV and find something on the tube to give us our horror fix. Sure Mr. and Mrs. America might be dying for another showing of A Few Good Men, but come on, it's October. We should be seeing Legosi, Chaney, Karloff, Englund and the rest of our favorite horror stars.

This year AMC went from their 31 days of horror to 13. OK, still not bad but when you look at the replay schedule it get's really bad. I swear I've seen the original Halloween (my least favorite slasher flick ever) on TV five times since they've started this abbreviated Monsterfest. That's not even counting their promised Halloween marathon on Wednsday. I'm sure they have more horror films in their library, why not show them?

Maybe I've been spoiled by the availability of horror movies on DVD. Maybe the world has changed to a point where real horror involving war, terrorism and crime have taken the place of Dracula, The Wolfman and Freddy. Still, I can't help but feel that this year is missing something.


binnall said...

There's always "The Search for the Next Elvira" on Fox Reality Channel.

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