Thursday, March 22, 2007


This isn't going to change your life.
This isn't going to change the world.
This more than likely won't entertain you.

I'm really not sure what this is going to do. I really don't have any idea on a format other than what I usually do...Rant. One minute I may be talking about the lack of proper border security for America and the next I might be talking about how Steve Austin was far more important to wrestling than Hulk Hogan.

There might be discussions on UFO's or cryptozoology (although there are some that are much more knowledgeable about those type of things) or a good recipe for chili.

Now with that out of the way, I guess we're off.

So, the great movie 300 is causing a stir since it depicts strong willed people not wanting to be overtaken by oppressive forces. Gee, I wonder why that is? Do you think it could be the fact that the people in power want to feminize the entire country? Because it shows how the fighting spirit of America could be used to not just take it anymore? Nah, has to be something about green screen effects.

Those three people involved in the murder of that little boy deserve to be executed. Live on prime time television. Maybe that would deter a few people from doing what they did. Even though I hate to have to think of the fact that there are more people out there that would do what they did.

Ok, sorry this sucked, but I couldn't sleep and it came to me to do this while I was tossing and turning in bed. I promise the next one will have some sembelance of order and reason.



papabearyuma said...

I'm with you on publicly executing those people.

I don't care if it's a deterrent - it may not be - but once they're dead - they'll never "repeat offend".

And that's good enough for me!

Primus said...

It's a sickness in this country. Not a week goes by where we don't hear about something like this.

While we are busy protecting the farting dung beetle or whatever the animal of the week is, our children are being raped, tortured and killed. Sure the news is all over it for a while, until the new celebrity breakup happens, then the child is pushed onto the back burner.

The part that really gets to me is that we pass a few laws, pat ourselves on the back and if it happens again, just make a new law. We as a whole seem to take a defensive stand instead of a proactive attack against these sickos.

Mike Brun said...

I think that's great that you've got a blog, now. Consider it bookmarked.

Primus said...

Thanks, K-man. You and Leslie are really the ones who have influenced me to give it a shot.