Friday, May 18, 2007

Earth Chronicles

I haven't read all of the books yet, but I am digging the hell out of Zecharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicles series of books. Just the idea that the mythology of ancient man is really the history of our world is fascinating.

The two books I have read in it are The Wars of Gods and Men and Genesis Revisited. There are more to get, however, since I don't use credit cards ordering them from Amazon or some other online bookstore keeps the books I can get to the stock available in the brick and mortar stores.

I know a lot of people crap of Sitchin's ideas, but to me they seem just as plausible as anyone else's so far. Besides, a lot of the ideas in his books fit in with ideas I've had myself. So maybe I like it that many of my thoughts are justified by someone.

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